

This command is used to warn people. Warnings are used to issue infractions with no additional punishment.

Required arguments

  • user - The user you want to warn

Optional arguments

  • reason - The reason for the infraction. It will be shown in bot logs

  • dm-user - Sends the reason for the warning to the user's DMs. Can be set to true or false

  • no-infraction - Does not log an infraction. Log entry is still sent


  • dm-user - Sends the reason for the warning to the user's DMs. Can be set to true or false

  • no-infraction - Does not log an infraction. Log entry is still sent

Options can be specified in any order, as long as they're part of the same Slash Command.


/warn <member> [...reason] [dm-user] [no-infraction]

Required permission

This command's level is 50 by default. The bot needs Read Messages, Send Messages permissions in order to be able to execute this command.

Last updated