

This command is used to add a role to an user, and removes it after a specified amount of time (duration). If the user has already set that temprole, using this command again will add the new duration to the current one.

You can reduce the total duration of a temprole by setting a negative duration

Required arguments

  • user - The user you want to assign the role to

  • role - The role you want to assign to the user

  • duration - Check the duration section for more information

Optional arguments

  • reason - The reason for this action for logging purposes.


/temprole <user> <role> <duration> [reason]

The FAQs page has answers for some of the most common temprole-related questions

Required permission

This command's level is 50 by default. The bot needs Read Messages, Send Messages, Manage Roles permissions in order to be able to execute this command.

Last updated